

Is My Child Well Enough to go to School?

Many students and parents are frequently concerned about when students should stay home or attend school. The following information is intended to help with this decision.

General practice:

  • If student has a fever of 100 degrees or more, the student should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal and remains normal without fever reducing medication.

  • If student has vomited or had diarrhea, it is suggested  the student stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.

  • If student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown, check with the family physician before sending the student to school.

  • If student is ill, please call the school daily to report illness.

If you have any questions regarding the above information or your child’s illness, please call Glen Lake Elementary School Office (334-3061 x516), the school nurse (334-3061 x518) or your family physician.

REMEMBER – children with an infectious disease can spread the disease when they are in contact with others in the family or in the community